Friday, April 22, 2016

Greetings parents!

 I hope you all enjoyed the lovely bird feeders your students made from recycled milk cartons! We had a lot of fun creating them, and hopefully many birds stop by for a snack!

April has been a fun month for our science lessons! Our class has learned about the life cycle of a butterfly, parts of a plant, and how to mix colors with walking water. In continuation of our awesome science lessons I have a very entertaining science experiment planned for next week. It does involve dairy products and soda so PLEASE, if your child is lactose intolerant or you wish for them to not have soda please inform me as soon as possible before next Tuesday (4/26). Worry not though! They will still be able to participate in the science experiment with another fun activity.
I wish you all a safe and wonderful weekend! Don't forget to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

A photo of our recycled milk carton bird feeders!

(*Have fun trying at home!*)